Week 2 - Part 1: Social Media Platforms

There is a variety of social media platforms and each one can be geared towards different uses. Whether someone wants to post pictures, connect with friends and family, market their business, or do all of the above, there’s a social media platform for everyone. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter are a few of the many social media outlets people can utilize. Before creating a page, you should ask yourself what you would like to use the platform for.

Social media platforms that I believe are geared more towards personal use are Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. I believe this because of my own personal experience. I use all three of these platforms to connect with friends and family, as well as find things that interest me or that I can relate to. I can share photos with my family in the Philippines and my best friends in Virginia and Florida. I can also personally chat with my family in the Philippines for free.

When looking at a business perspective, many of these social media platforms can be utilized. When I was a Respiratory Therapist, I used LinkedIn to help me find a job. It got my face and my skills out there to a wider audience than just submitting resumes to hospitals. I also got to explore other facilities besides hospitals that were hiring. I also think outlets like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are great for business. You get to advertise to a wide audience and talk about your product and offer links where people can buy. On Instagram, people can buy directly on the site. YouTube is great as well. As a preschool teacher, I see my students watch other children play with toys on YouTube, and their parents are more likely to buy it for their children because they can see how the toy works and the enjoyment other children have with it. It’s a great form for advertisement.

Many of these social media platforms can be used for both personal use and business. I have two Instagram accounts; one for personal use and one that connects to my blog. I follow many other people who have a personal account and another account that promotes their business. I’ve seen the same thing with Facebook. My boss has a personal account and she also has a page for our preschool facility. Any one of these social media platforms can work for someone depending on their needs or the needs of a company/business.


  1. Hi Sasha!
    I totally agree with you about Linkedin because that is probably the best business social media platform. That is really awesome that you got that chance to utilize Linkedin for what it was made for! I just got an Linkedin account and I definitely think its awesome to browse for job and internship opportunities on there and they also give you notifications when jobs that you are looking for are posted so you have a good chance if you are on top if it!

  2. Hello Sasha!
    First things first, I must say you have chosen a great blog layout.( I happen to be using the same one) Anyway, you have mentioned Linkedin as a good professional platform , which is one that I hadn't even thought off. Linkden is a great example of a platform that is solely for professional purpose.

  3. Hi Sasha I like your view on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for Personal use and how Linkedin can help you on finding a job


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